Sunday, August 16, 2009

Some Adventures of a Bad Boy

Getting to Istanbul was an experience unto itself...I was traveling category Z (military personnel in civilian clothes) and I was caught up in the “Great Pan American Strike” which lasted about twenty three days as I remember.

I was fortunate to get a BOAC flight to London because flying category Z meant that you could and, and did get "bumped" all the time. I was able to spend three wonderful days and nights touring the sights and sounds…I saw the Tower of London, Westminister Abby, Buckingham Palace, Pickadilly Circus, and ride their wonderful TUBE. I also met three birds and we enjoyed each other immensely (remember that this was the 60’s).

From there I got an Air France flight to Paris and was only there long enough to experience how dirty the “City of Lights was, and how rude the people were.

Next I got a Lufthansa flight to Frankfort and was there only long enough to drink a few German beers and notice how well-kept and clean Frankfort was.

From there I was lucky enough to get an Alitalia flight to Athens and was really fortunate that nothing was flying out of Athens. I spent eight wonderful days touring Athens and the Greek Isles, dancing and throwing plates with the Greek men, like Zorba the Greek. Also, I met four or five wonderfully friendly Greek girls. For someone as interested in history and WOMEN it was an excellent time.

I was finally able to get an Ethiopian Air flight to Istanbul, but I got in too late to check in!!

Now you must understand that I was never in Wilt “the Stilt” Chamberlain’s league with 20, 000 conquests…but, I was “Bad Boy” enough to be worried about STDs, unwanted births, and many more serious things.

I am happy that I survived without damage, and in many ways I am thrilled that I matured enough not to “count notches”, but build a REAL relationship.

Do I have any regrets…Hell No!!

Please don’t judge me too harshly…it was a different time!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Experience is a wonderful thing *grin* I remember the 60's too!

  3. Bad boy, bad boy...whatcha gonna do when they come for you??
